4(4(QPull the button hotder to the back, and place the
button in it. Push back the button holder toward you
as far as it will go.
(_ Pull the buttonhole lever downward as lar as it will
........ J
(_) Insert fabric under the foot.
Turn the balance wheel slowly towards you with
your right hand until the needle goes down and
continue turning baiance wheel until the take-up
lever is at its highest position.
(_) Remove the fabric to the felt to draw both threads to
the left.
(_) Insert the garment under the toot, and lower the
needle at the starting point. Then lower the
automatic buttonhole foot.
!iiii!i!i!!ii!ii ii!il ii!iii!i iiii ,
Point de d_part
(_) Sew stowly and stop the machine at the starting
point when the buttonhole is completed,
" The front bartack and left row first, then the back
barrack and right row.
@ Poussez le support a bouton vers l'arrikre et placez
le bouton. Repoussez le support b bouton sur celuz-cz
pour qu'il sozt fixe.
@ Tirez ie levier de la boutonniere ?zla position la plus
(_) Placez le ttssu sous le pted presseur,
Tournez tentement te volant vers votts jusqu 'b ce que
l'aiguiUe descende. Continuez h tourner le volant
3usqu ' a ce que le ievter relever sort f la position ta
plus _lev_e.
7(_Retirez _letissu vers la gauche etfatte passer ies dercc
ills en dessous du pied.
(_) lns_rez le tissu sous Ie pied et abatssez le pied
presseur et l' aiguille art point de d_part.
(_) Coudre tentement et arrYter ia machine art point de
d(part quand la boutontriOre est termttt_e.
* En premter coutttre du eot_ gauche et couture de
fermeture avant, maintenant couture de
fermemre arriOre et rang6e de drorte,