Ifyou have an existing 30" wide cutout that goes all theway
to the wall you may want to buy a Main Top Filler Kit No,
80279 or a 4" Backguard Kit No. 80509. These willfill in the
space between the back of the range and the wall. The kits
are available from Sears general catalog and may be or-
dered at any Sears catalog outlet or the catalog desk at any
Sears Retail Store. If this existing cutout is in a counter that
has a backsplash (postformed top) we recommend that you
use the 4'*Backguard.
From the illustrations below determine the dimensions of
your cutout. Mark the cutout on the counter. Dimensions
given are from front of counter, not from cabinet face. To
minimize chipping, you may want to apply masking tape to
the counter and mark the cut on top of the tape. Use a hand
or saber saw to make the cut. For best appearance it is
important that the cut be smooth and straight.
If you are not using the Filler or Backguard
23 3/16"
Fig. 3
If you have a standard 25" countertop and you wish to set the
range further back into the counter, you may notch the front
of the counter up to a maximum depth of 1/2'" as shown in
Figure 6. Cutout should then be 23 3/16" deep from back of
Ifyou have a countertop deeper than 25", such as in an island
installation with a countertop of at least 26" and you wish to
set the range further back into the counter, you may notch the
front of the counter up to 1" deep, but never deeper than to
the front of the cabinet face and maintaining at least 24 1/2"
from the back of the notch to the inside of the rear wall of the
counter. See Fig. 5.
If you are using the Filler
30" _'
Fig. 4
Ifyou wishto set the range further back into the counter, you
may notch the front of the counter up to a maximum depth of
1/2", as shown in Fig. 6. See your filler kit instructionsheet
for more information.
you are using the Beckguard
24 1/2"
3/8"----> _ _ 30" • 1----3/8"
When the Backguard is used, the front of the counter may
require notching as shown in Figures 5 and 6. See back-
guard kit instruction before cuffing counter.
1/2" Fig. 6
NOTE: If the distance from the back wall to the front of the
counter backsplash (Dimension A in Fig. 7) is greater than
1 1/8", there will be a small gap between the wall behind the
range and the backguard. This is normal and should not be
visually objectionable.
Fig. 7
See the leveling information on previous page.
Ifthe frontofthe counter is rounded, leave thecurved portion
on the control panel end caps. For a square counter or a
notch, cut this portion off at the groove with pliers or chisel,
then file smooth if necessary.
If there is a small gap between the sides of the range and the
cabinets (up to 1/4" each side), you can order a side trim
extension kit through Sears general catalog. Order Kit No.
80769 at any Sears catalog outlet or the catalog desk at any
Sears Retail Store.