Avoid Service Checklist Before calling for service, review this list. It may save you time and expense. This
list includes common occurrences that are not the result of defective
workmanship or materials in this appliance.
Temperature control is in the OFF position. See Setting the Femperature Control.
Check to be sure freezer is NOT plugged into a circuit that has ground fault interrupt, If you
are unsure about the outlet, have it checked by a certified technician,
Freezer may not be pkJgged in, or plug may be loose. Make sure plug is tightly pushed into
electrical outlet,
House fuse has blown, or circuit breaker has tripped. Check/reset circuit breaker, or replace
fuse with 15 amp, time delay fuse,
Power outage, Check house lights, Call local electric company,
Freezer runs too much, or too long.
Room or outside weather is hot, It isnormal for freezer to work harder under these conditions.
Freezer had recently been disconnected for a period of time, Freezerrequires 4 hours to cool
down completely,
Largeamounts of warm or hot food klavebeen stored recently, Warm food will cause freezer
to run more, until desired temperature is reached,
Door is kept open too long, or too frequently. Warm air enters the freezer every time door is
opened. Open door less often.
Freezer door may be slightly open. See Occurrence section "Door Problems."
Temperature control issettoocold. Turn control knobtoa warmer setting. AIIowseveral hours
for temperature to stabilize,
Freezergasket isdirty, worn, cracked, or poorly fitted, Clean or change gasket, Leaksin door
seal will cause freezer to run longer in order to maintain desired temperature.
Temperatures inside freezer are too Temperature control is set too cold, Turn control to a warmer setting, Allow several hours for
cold. the temperature to stabilize,
Temperatures inside freezer are too
Temperature control is set too warm, Turn control to a colder setting, Allow several hours for
temperature to stabilize,
Door is kept open too long or is opened too frequently. Warm air enters freezer every time
door is opened, Open door less often,
Door may be open slightly. See Occurrence section "Door Problems."
Largeamounts of warm or hot food may have been stored recently, Wait until freezer has had
a chance to reach its selected temperature,
Freezer has recently been disconnected for a period of time, Freezerrequires 4 hours to cool
down completely,
Temperature of external freezer
surface is warm.
Exterior freezer walls can be as much as 30'F warmer than room temperature, This is normal
while compressor works to remove warm air from the inside freezer cabinet,