Roller foot INo. 6765)
Blindhem foot (No, _1
- Holds fa_ folded f_
blind _ _ng.
srd _ther mtke behind h.
RKO_ tot i_n
k_ttm orvinyl.
Even-feedingfoottNo. 6888)
-F_ both fabricleyeNi_lts_dy
tohelp_t bundCtXlOfUltra Su_
fabric,matin,tricotoroth_ sltckfabrics,
S_ g-Brown INo. _1
Size 11-0_ INo. _1)
Size 14:Red iNo. 6662)
SLm1_ (N_.6553)
S_ l_O_ INo._)
Needle threader
iNo, 43780)
10 plastic bobbins (No. _)
(Com_nm:_cc Oil)
(No, 6890)
10 _s. Ballpoint color-coded
|No. 6747)
Sire 9-S_tB_ x 4 IX,i.
Size 11-S_/O_ x 4 _.
Size 14-StlvertRed x 2 pcs.
' 2 pcs. Double _ (No. _49)
5 r_. Q,N_- Blue (No. 6746)
Ac_ set(No._), .
- e_r_ your_ct_ne _oum ._
_mpte _lng to deatilecl gathor-
_, quitting, _ntng and more_
I_ludu _mem, guides amJ
O $_. Presserfeet let you attac_
b_td, i_ zl_ and cording.