;This water heater must not be installed directly on carpeting.
Carpetin.gmust be protected by a metal or woodpanel beneath
the appliance extending b.eyondthe full width and depth of the
applianceby at least 3 inches (76.2mm) in any direction, or if the
appliance !s installedinan a!coveor closet,the entire floor must
be covered by the panel. Failure to heed this warning may result
in afire hazard.
A gaswater heater cannot operate properly without the correct
amount of air for combustion. Do not install in a confined area
such a closet, unlessyou provide air as shown in the "Locating
The New Water Heater" section. Never obstructthe flow of ven-
tilation air. If you have any doubtsor questionsat all, call your
gas company. Failure toprovide the proper amount of combus-
tion air can result in a fire or explosion and can cause DEATH,
If this water heater will be usedin beauty shops,barber shops,
cleaning establishments,or self-servicelaundrieswith dry clean-
"ing equlpment, it is imperative that the water heater or water
heaters be installed so that combustion and ventilation air be
taken from outside these areas. Refer to the "Locating The New
Water Heater" sectionof thismanual and alsothe latestedition of
the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1, also referred to as
NFPA54 for specificsprovided concerningair required.
_VENTDAMPERS- Any vent damper,whether it is operated ther-
mally or otherwise must be removed if its use inhibits proper
drafting ofthe water heater.
Thermally Operated Vent Dampers:Gas-fired water heaters hav-
ingthermal efficiency in excessof 80% may producea relatively
low flue gastemperature. Suchtemperatures may not be high
enough to properly open thermally operated vent dampers. This
would causespillageof flue gasesandmay causecarbon monox-
'ide poisoning.
Vent dampers must bear evidence of certification as complying
with the latest edition of American National Standard ANSI
Z21.68 (ANSI Z21.66 & 67, respectively,cover electrically and
mechanically actuated vent dampers). Before installationof any
vent damper, consult your local SearsService Center or the gas
utility for further information.
1. The appliance and itsindividual shutoff valve mustbe discon-
nectedfrom the gassupplypiping systemduringany pressure
testingof thegas systemat test pressuresin excessof '/2pound
per squareinch (3.5kPa).
2. Theappliancemust be isolatedfrom the gassupplypiping sys-
tem by closin.gits individual manual..shutoffvarve during any
pressuretesting of the gassupply piping systemat test pres-
suresequal or lessthan _2pound persquareinch (3.5kPa).
_!Sootbuild-up indicatesa problemthat requirescorrection before
further use. Turn "OFF" gas to water heater and leave "OFF"
until repairsare made, becausefailure to correct the causeof the
Sootingcan result in a fire or explosion causing DEATH, SERI-
The water heater with draft hood installed must be properly
vented to a chimney which terminates outdoors.Never operate
the water heater unlessit isvented to the outdoorsand hasade-
quate air supplyto avoid risksof improper operation, explosion
or asphyxiateon.
Obstructed or deteriorated vent systems may presenta serious
health riskor asphyxiation.
Chemicalvapor corrosionof the flue and vent systemmay occur
if air for combustioncontainscertain chemical val_rs. Spraycan
propellants, cleaning solvents, refrigerator and air conditioner
refrigerants, swimming pool chem|cals, calcium and sodium
chloride, waxes, bleach,and processchemicalsare typical com-
poundswhich are potentiallycorrosive.
Minimum clearancesbetween the water heater and combustible
constructionare 1" at the sidesand rear, 4" at the front, and 6"
from the vent pipe. Clearance from the top of the jacket is 18"
on most models. Note that a lesser dimensionmay be a!lowed
on somemodels.Refer to the label on the waterheater adjacent
to the gascontrol valvefor all clearances.
HYDROGEN GAS: Hydrogengascan be producedin a hot water
systemthat hasnot beenusedfor a long period of time (general-
ly two weeks or more). Hydrogen gas ts_ extremely flammable
and explosive.To prevent the poss_ility of injury under these
conditions,we recommendthe hot water faucetbe opened for
several minutes at the kitchen sink before any electrfcal appli-
ances which are connected to the hot water systemare used
(such as a dishwasheror washing machine). If hydrogengas is
present,there will probably be an unusualsoundsim]lar to a!r
escaping through the pipe as the hot water faucet is opened.
There mustbe no smokingor open flame near the faucet at the
time it isopen.
INSULATING JACKETS:When installingan externalwater heater
insulationjacket on a gaswater heater:
a. DO NOT cover the temperature-pressurerelief valve.
b. DO NOT put insulationover any part of the top of the gas
water heater.
c. DO NOT put insulationover the gascontrol valve or gascon-
trol valve/burner cover,or any accessareastothe burner.
d. DO NOT let insulation around the gaswater heater to get
within 8 inchesof the floor (air must get to the burner).
e. DO NOT cover or remove operating instructions,and safety
related warning labels and materials affixed to the water
Failure to heed this will result in the possibility of a fire or
Do not usethisappliance if any part of it hasbeen under water.
Immediately call a SearsServiceTechmclan to inspectthe appli-
ance andto replace the gascontrol or anypart of the burner sys-
tem which hasbeen underwater.
WATER HEATERSEVENTUALLYLEAK: Installation of the water
heater mustbe accomplishedin sucha manner that if the tank or
any connectionsshould leak, the flow of water will not cause
damageto the structure.When suchlocationscannot be avoid.
ed, a suitable drain pan should be installed under the water
heater. Drain pansare available at your local Searsstore, Sucha
drain pan mustbe not greater than 11/_inches deepthave a mini-
mum lengthandwidth of at least 2 inchesgreaterthan the water
heater dimensionsandmust be .pipedto an adequate drain. The
pan must not restrict combust,on air flow. Under no circum-
stancesis the manufacturer or Searsto be held liable for any
water damagein connectionwith this water heater.