Venting System Inspection
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of
the venting system. You should look for:
I Obstructions which could cause improper venting,, The
combustion and ventilation air flow must not be
2. Damage or deterioration which could cause improper
venting or leakage of combustion products,
3, Rusted flakes ar_oundtop of water heater,
_a_,n --WARNING ]
sure the ventpiping is properly connected to pre-
t escape of dangerous flue gasses which could
se deadly asphyxiation°
Obstructions and deteriorated vent systems may pre- I
sent serious health risk or asphyxiation.
Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system
nay occur ifalr for combustion contains certain chem-
ca/vaporso Spray can propellants, cleaning solvents,
•efrigerator and air conditioner refrigerants, swimmin_
)ool chemicals, calcium and sodiun_ chloride, waxes_
)leach and process chemicals are typical compounds
which are potentially corrosive.
If after inspection of the vent system you found sooting
or deterioration, something is wrong; a Sears Service
Technician must be called in, the problem corrected,
[ and the flue and venting cleaned or replaced before
resuming operation on the water heater.
Burner Inspection
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires cor-
rection before further use. Turn "OFF" gas to water
heater and leave "OFF" until repairs are made,
because failure to correct the cause of the sooting can
result in a fire causing DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY
Burner Cleaning
In the event your burner needs cleaning, use the following
If inspection of the burner shows that cleaning isrequired,,
turn the gas control knob clockwise (/"_) to the "OFF'
position, depressing slightly.,
NOTE: The knob cannot be turned from "PILOT" to
"OFF" unlessknob is depressedslightly.DO NOT FORCE°
Loose deposiLs on or around the burner can be removed
by carefully using the hose of a vacuum cleaner inserted
through the access door of the water heater_If the burner
needs to be removed for additional cleaning, call the Sears
Service Center to remove and clean the burner and correct
the problem that required the burner to be cleaned,
Vacuum around base of water heater for dust, dirt, and
lint on a regular basis,
|Do not use this appliance if any part of it has been
[under water. Immediately calla Sears Service
_Techniclan to inspect the appliance and to replace the
tgas control or any part of the burner system which has
been under water.
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of
the main burner and pilot burner, The drawing is for your
You should check for sooting which is not normal and
will impair proper combustiom
INSTALLED IN SUITABLE AREA: To insure sufficient
ventilation and combustion air supply, proper clear-
ances from the water heater must be mamtalned. See
"Locating the New Wiiter Heater" section.
Combustible materials such as clothing, cleaning mate-
rials, or flammable liquids, etc_ must not be placed
against or adjacent to the water heater which can
cause a fire.