Sew in a Zipper
Fabric Preparation :
Put the right sides of the fabric to-
gether and sew to the end of the zip-
per opening. Use the reverse to lock
the stitches.
Sew the zipper opening with stitch
length at "4" and top thread tension
at "3".
Right side "\'_,_
of fabric
Top edge of fabric
Set the Machine
Stitch Stitch selector
Top thread tension Stitch length
control 3 to 6 control 2
Zipper foot
Zipper teeth
Zipper tape
To Sew:
1. Fold back the left seam allowance
as shown.
2. Turn under the right seam allow-
ance to form a 1/8" fold.
3. Place the zipper teeth next to the
1/8"" fold and pin in place.
To sew the left side of the zipper,
set the zipper foot on the left side
of the needle.
5. Lower the zipper foot on the right
side at the bottom of the zipper
so that the needle pierces the fold
and the zipper tape.
6. Sew through the fold and the zip-
per tape to the point where the
slider begins.
7. Lower the needle to hold the fab-
ric and raise the presser foot.