3. Identify right side panel by locating let-
ter "R" stamped near center of rear edge.
4. Put right foot assembly inside front
edge of right side panel, so foot lever
comes through "J" slot. Use two screws to
attach foot assembly to panel (insert
screws through ,fide panel).
5. In similar way, attach left foot assembly
to left side panel.
Foot Assembly
Assemble and Install Slide Brackets
(Only Drawer Model; Door Model: Go
to "Attach Door Hinges")
1. Set out:
-twelve outer brackets
-t_velve center slides
-three rear supports
-grease packet
-tv, enty _a" diam x _/2"long truss head
-twenty t/4" lock washers
-_enty v4" diam hex nuts.
2. Grease top and bottom of"center slides.
3. Make twelve slide brackets: insert a
center slide all the way into each of 12
outer brackets, then slightly pull back on
center slide to make sure stop tabs are
Center Slide Outer Bracket
/ /
Stop Tab Stop Tab Stop Tab Rear Stop
4. Attach three slide brackets to left side
of one rear support, in holes indicated:
use one screw per slide bracket (insert
screws" through lalger hole in slide bracket);
on end of each screw put washer, then
nut, and wrench tighten.
_ r_-......_ Short
Rear Support
"---'- Solid Surface
Larger Slide
Hole Bracket