XV. Troubleshooting Guide
Light does not power ON
Make sure battery is fully charged and contacts are clean.
Replace battery if it has become wet or is damaged.
Blue or dark pictures/videos
Keep your shooting distance inside of 2ft to 3ft, depending on
visibility and ambient light.
If you are using only one light, considering adding another light
(dual lights) or/and external flash accessory. The ideal set-up is a
combination of a light plus flash.
For the DC1400 and other SeaLife DC-series cameras, Consider
purchasing the SeaLife Wide Angle Lens (SL975). The fisheye lens
allows you to get closer to the subject and fit more into to picture
Pictures or Videos too red
The camera’s white balance setting may not be set correctly. Refer
to page 18 of this manual for information on camera settings.
For updated information and advice, please refer to the SeaLife
website at www.sealife-cameras.com or contact your local SeaLife
dealer or service center for help.