And thank you for purchasing the E-Z Set Clock Radio from H. H. SCOTT.
E-Z Set is the world’s first and only LED clock radio that will automatically set itself
to the correct ‘Year’, ‘Month’, ‘Date’, ‘Day’, and ‘Time’ as soon as you plug it in. The
only thing you have to do is tell the E-Z Set what time zone you are in, and the built
in computer does everything else for you immediately. And not only the first time,
but every time the power is interrupted as well.
We all know how annoying it is to wake up in the morning and see the dreaded
flashing “12:00” display on our clocks or clock radios. But with your E-Z Set Clock
Radio the dreaded flashing “12:00” display is a thing of the past.
The E-Z Set resets itself as soon as the power is restored and gets you up on time,
every time.
And if that isn’t enough, the E-Z Set computer also knows when Daylight Saving
Time begins and ends and it will adjust itself for those changes automatically through
the year 2099! Leap Years too! And best of all, the long life lithium battery backup
battery is already installed in your radio. You don’t have to remember to put a new
9-volt battery in your radio every 6 months. Under normal circumstances the lithium
battery can last for up to 5 years, and when it does need to be changed, a low
battery indicator will come on to let you know. The CR2430 lithium battery is available
almost anywhere that batteries are sold and it costs about the same as a normal
9-volt battery.
The E-Z Set also gives you dual alarms that can be set to go off on weekdays only,
weekends only, or all 7 days. You can set one alarm to wake you up to buzzer
Monday through Friday when you have to get up early, and use the second alarm
to wake you up to soft music on Saturday and Sunday when you can sleep in.
Someday all clocks and clock radios may be this smart. But today the technology
is only available from H. H. SCOTT. We’re sure you’ll be happy and amazed by
your E-Z Set Clock Radio, and that it will give you many years of enjoyment and
dependable service.
Once again, all of us at H. H. SCOTT thank you for your purchase.
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