Set a Destination by
There are several ways to set a
destination. You can set a destination
directly from the map (page 9) or select
[Go to] from the main menu.
Go to Main Menu [Go to]
Finding a Destination by
Entering Street Name First
1 Select by Street. See page 12.
2 Type the street name and touch
If there are multiple matches, the
system automatically displays a
short list of street names.
Type only the name of the street.
Prex and sufx of the street are
not necessary.
The list of applicable street names
3 Select the desired street name
from the list.
4 Type the address number and
touch [OK].
5 Type the desired city.
If there are multiple matches, the
system lists cities containing the
street name and address number
that you keyed in.
6 The Conrm Destination Screen
appears. Touch [Go!] to calculate
the route.
7 See pages 20-22 for more
details about Options on the
Conrmation Destination Screen.