2 AMP 10 AMP 30 AMP 40 AMP 60 AMP
Motorcycle, Garden 6 - 12 AH 3-6
Tractor, etc. 12 - 32 AH 3 - 18
200 - 315 CCA 40 - 60 RC 13 - 20 2 ½ - 4 ½ - 1 ½ - ¾ NR
315 - 550 CCA 60 - 85 RC 20 - 35 4 - 7 1 - 2 ¾ - 2 ½ - 1
550 - 875 CCA 85 - 125 RC 35 - 55 7 - 11 2 - 7 2 - 3 1 - 2
55 MC 34 7 NR NR NR
80 MC 50 10 NR NR NR
105 MC 66 13 NR NR NR
5. If the engine fails to start, charge the battery for 5 more
minutes before attempting to crank the engine again.
6. After the engine starts, move the charge rate switch and
timer switch to OFF and unplug the AC power cord from
the outlet before disconnecting DC clips.
Do not try to engine start a vehicle without a battery in it.
You may damage the vehicle’s system. If the engine spins,
but doesn’t start after several starting attempts, there is a
problem with the engine of the vehicle other than its start-
ing system. STOP cranking the engine until the other prob-
lem has been found and corrected.
1. Set charge rate switch and timer to OFF positions.
2. With the charger unplugged from the AC outlet, connect
the charger to the battery following instructions given in
section F.
3. Plug the charger AC power cord into the AC outlet, then
move timer from OFF to HOLD position.
4. Set the charge rate switch to the engine start position that
matches the vehicle battery and then crank the engine. Fol-
low the duty cycle printed on the front panel of your charger
for proper ON / OFF times. During extremely cold weather
or when the battery is severely exhausted, charge the bat-
tery for about 5 minutes before cranking the engine.
*Charge Rates for this model are listed on the
front panel.
**Based on battery at 50% charge.
AH Ampere Hours
NR Not Recommended
CCA Cold Cranking Amps
RC Reserve Capacity
MC Marine Capacity
Determine the charge level of your battery with a hydrometer or electronic percent of charge tester. Determine the ampere hour rating of
your battery. It may be on the battery information label. If the battery is rated in Reserve Capacity, convert to ampere hour rating using
the following formula:
Ampere Hour rating = (Reserve Capacity) + 16 Example: AH rating = (168 Reserve Capacity) + 16 or AH = 100
(2) (2)
"Reserve capacity is in minutes"
Use the following formula to determine the time of charge required: (AH x % of charge needed) divided by amp setting of the charger, times
1.25 = hours of charge: Example: State of charge of the battery is 50%
Percent of charge needed is 100% - 50% = 50% (.50 decimal)
Ampere rating of the battery is 100AH
Charger setting is 10 amps
100 x .50 = x 1.25 = 6.25 hours of charge needed
+ 1.00 hour more if charging a deep cycle battery
7.25 hours total for a deep cycle battery.
A hydrometer reading of the specific gravity of the electrolyte (fluid) of the battery in good condition should be between 1.25 and 1.28.
When a battery reaches 80-85% of full charge, bubbles will appear on the surface of the fluid. As the battery nears full charge, bubbling
will become more vigorous.
5. Set the timer from OFF position to desired timed charge,
30-135 minutes.
NOTE: These battery chargers are not automatic and can
overcharge a battery if permitted to operate for extended
periods of time. Monitor the charging often.
1. Before charging any battery, make sure the electrolyte (bat-
tery liquid) in each cell is at correct level.
2. Set all switches and timers to the OFF position.
3. If the battery is being charged inside the vehicle, use con-
nection procedures outlined in Section F. Should the bat-
tery be removed from the vehicle, follow the instruction in
Section D, step 6 and Section G. Plug the power cord into
the AC outlet.
4. Set the charge rate switch to the desired charge position.
See Charge Rate Charts.