The percent of charge scale is intended as a visual aid to help simplify detemmining the state
of charge. It is scaled for use with the 6 or 10 amp charge rates only. For the 2 amp charge
rate, use the red triangle.The percent of charge is based on current draw by the battery. For
this reason accuracy will vary with the size and battery type. Typically a 28 ampere hour bat-
tery will draw less current at end charge than a 140 ampere hour wet cell battery. This means
that the indication for a fully charged large battery may be slightly less than 100%.
For the 2 amp charge rate a red triangle has been provided within the green area of the meter
scale. It’s accuracy has been calibrated for use with small battery. As a battery takes on a
charge, correspondingly less of the red area will fall under the meter needle.
The Ammeter
The ammeter indicates the amp draw on the charger when a fully discharged battery is con-
nected to the charger. The meter will read the maximum output rating of the charger 2 amps,
10 amps, or 30 amps depending on the charger and switch position you have chosen.
The charge on the 2 amp or the 10 amp, will gradually taper down as the battery nears full
charge. As the charge current tapers, the ammeter needle will also move down. The 2 amp
charge produces such a small current that it will not show up very well on the meter.
The 50 amp boost charge (on the SE-1250 only) may be used for a quick charge prior to using
the engine start feature. The meter will indicate around the 30 amps line if the battery is fully
discharged and less if the battery is partially charged. Follow duty cycle instructions for this
boost position.
See Meter Views
The charger meter needle will indicate somewhere between the solid line and the dotted line
when the charging is first started. The variation is due to the difference in battery conditions
and construction of the battery. A battery that is not fully charged will not require the charger to
begin the charge at the highest rating, such as the 10 amp on the 10 amp charge position. The
battery is charged when the meter indicates near the dotted line shown in the view at the right.
This is about 1/2 of the selected charge rate. (about 4-5 amps on the 10 amp setting).
02 46 81012
CHARGE % 100 75 50 25
2 amp
CHARGE % 100 75 50 25
10 amp
50 amp
Engine Start
02 46 81012
0 5 10 15 20 25 30