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Modbus Point Map
Floating Point Data: Summary of Active Phases
257/258 R NV Float kWh Accumulated Real Energy: Net (Import - Export)
Accumulated Real Energy
Clear via register
259/260 R NV Float kWh
Real Energy: Quadrants 1 & 4
261/262 R Float kWh
Real Energy: Quadrants 2 & 3
263/264 R Float kVARh
Reactive Energy: Quadrant 1
Lags Import Real Energy (IEC) Inductive (IEEE)
Accumulated Reactive
Energy (Qh):
Quadrants 1+2= Import
Quadrants 3+4= Export
265/266 R Float kVARh
Reactive Energy: Quadrant 2
Leads Export Real Energy (IEC) Inductive (IEEE)
267/268 R Float kVARh
Reactive Energy: Quadrant 3
Lags Export Real Energy (IEC) Capacitive (IEEE)
269/270 R Float kVARh
Reactive Energy: Quadrant 4
Leads Import Real Energy (IEC) Capacitive (IEEE)
271/272 R NV Float kVAh Apparent Energy: Net (Import - Export)
Accumulated Apparent
Energy (Sh): Import and
Export correspond with Real
273/274 R NV Float kVAh
Apparent Energy: Quadrants 1 & 4
275/276 R NV Float kVAh
Apparent Energy: Quadrants 2 & 3
277/278 R Float kW Total Net Instantaneous Real (P) Power
279/280 R Float kVAR Total Net Instantaneous Reactive (Q) Power
281/282 R Float kVA Total Net Instantaneous Apparent (S) Power
283/284 R Float Ratio 0.0-1.0 Total Power Factor (Total kW / Total kVA)
285/286 R Float Volt Voltage, L-L (U), average of active phases
287/288 R Float Volt Voltage, L-N (V), average of active phases
289/290 R Float Amp Current, average of active phases
291/292 R Float Hz 45.0-65.0 Frequency
293/294 R Float kW Total Real Power Present Demand
295/296 R Float kVAR Total Reactive Power Present Demand
297/298 R Float kVA Total Apparent Power Present Demand
299/300 R NV Float kW Total Real Power Max. Demand
Import301/302 R NV Float kVAR Total Reactive Power Max. Demand
303/304 R NV Float kVA Total Apparent Power Max. Demand
305/306 R NV Float kW Total Real Power Max. Demand
Export307/308 R NV Float kVAR Total Reactive Power Max. Demand
309/310 R NV Float kVA Total Apparent Power Max. Demand
311/312 R Float Reserved (reports QNAN - 0x7FC00000)
313/314 R Float 1 0-4294967040 Pulse Counter 1 (Import Real Energy)
Contact closure counters. Valid for both pulse
inputs and outputs. EM3555 counts are shown in
parentheses. See register 144 for the weight of
each pulse output count. These values are derived
from the 32 bit integer counter and will roll over to
0 when the integer counters do. Inputs are user
315/316 R Float 1 0-4294967040 Pulse Counter 2 (Export Reactive Energy)