Micrologic™ 2.0A, 3.0A, 5.0A, and 6.0A Electronic Trip Units 48049-136-05
Appendix A—Register List Rev. 01, 07/2012
© 1999–2012 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved36-EN
Appendix A—Register List
List of Registers
The quantities are listed in alphabetical order
according to the SMS topic name.
NOTE: A system scan rate of 500 ms or greater
is recommended to minimize communications
timeout issues.
This is an abbreviated list of registers. For a
complete list of registers, contact your local
sales office.
To access available registers, the following address scheme applies.
Module Module Name Equation Address Range
BCM Circuit Breaker Communication Module -- 1–47
CCM Cradle Communication Module BCM + 50 51–97
PM Protection Module (Internal to trip unit) BCM + 100 101–147
MM Meter Module (Internal to trip unit) BCM + 200 201–247
Table 10: Register List
SMS Topic Name User Description
Number of
Register* Module*
Units Scale/Bitmask
810DBrkrStatus Circuit Breaker Status 1 661 BCM Bit 0; ON = closed, OFF = open
810DBrkrTripStat Circuit Breaker Trip Unit Status 1 661 BCM Bit 2; ON = tripped, OFF = not tripped
BCM_SN BCM Serial Number 4 516 BCM ASCII text
BkrPos Circuit Breaker Position 1 661 CCM
Bit 8 = disconnected
Bit 9 = connected
Bit 10 = test position
DT_3Regs Device Clock Date/Time 3 679 BCM 3-register date/time format
EnableCloseBkr Remote Closing Enabled 1 669 BCM Bit 2; ON = enabled, OFF = not enabled
EnableOpenBkr Remote Opening Enabled 1 669 BCM Bit 1; ON = enabled, OFF = not enabled
EnableRemCtrl Remote Control Enabled 1 669 BCM
Bit 3; ON = auto (enabled),
OFF = manual (not enabled)
IA Current A 1 8821 PM A Unity
IA_PCT Current A % Load 1 8837 PM % Unity
IB Current B 1 8822 PM A Unity
IB_PCT Current B % Load 1 8838 PM % Unity
IC Current C 1 8823 PM A Unity
IC_PCT Current C % Load 1 8839 PM % Unity
IG Current G 1 8825 PM A Unity
IG_PCT Current G % Load 1 8841 PM % Unity
IG_PCT_VIGI Current G (VIGI) % Load 1 8842 PM % Hundredths
IG_VIGI Current G (VIGI) 1 8826 PM A Thousandths
IMax Current Max Present 1 8820 PM A Unity
IN Current N 1 8824 PM A Unity
IN_PCT Current N % Load 1 8840 PM % Unity
LDPUValue Long Delay Pickup Value 2 8756 PM A Modulo 10,000 format
MaxIA Max Current A 1 8827 PM A Unity
MaxIB Max Current B 1 8828 PM A Unity
MaxIC Max Current C 1 8829 PM A Unity
MaxIG Max Current G 1 8831 PM A Unity
MaxIG_VIGI Max Current G (VIGI) 1 8832 PM A Thousandths
MaxIN Max Current N 1 8830 PM A Unity
NominalCurrent Circuit Breaker Nominal Current 1 8750 PM A Unity
ReadyToClose Circuit Breaker Ready to Close 1 661 BCM Bit 5; ON = yes, OFF = no
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