Setting the C|ock
Setting the clock is tlecessal 7 m order to t.Lscthe various timer _catt.wes of the T_q
Also yOLLcan check the time while' watching the' 1%< (]uLst press the INFO BuLttor>)
Option 1: Setting the C|od( IVlanua||y
1 Setup
Pressthe MENU t ut_oJ
Press the A or _" but[onto
se[ect"S_ [UP Enen Dressme
I_ove rL_ Ente I]]] Return
Pressme _, or T but[onto
select "Time". then press the
ENTER button,
Pressthe 4t cr _ buEon _o
[DOVe EO tile Ilour or II_DUEe.
Set me c_ocKW 4wane By
9ressmg the A or V DU[EOJ
mer! D ess the _ hut[on,
Pressthe EXITbutton to exit
I_1ove []_ Enter tTn Return
4t" Move _ Adjust TR Return
41 Whcn selcc/ing ![_(" hours, bc
surc lo s_'lcct (hc p_:ope_:limc of
da) (am OEpro).
You can s(t the hour and minute
diEeCtl) by pr<esmg the nunlber
BL[[[OIIS 011 IN(: 1(_11101_COIl[R)]
Th_ current lime will q_pear ever)
time you pEeSSthe INFO button
English - 31