Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4
The host and all functions must perform a complete decoding of all received PID fields. Any PID received
with a failed check field or which decodes to a non-defined value is assumed to be corrupted and it, as well as
the remainder of the packet, is ignored by the packet receiver. If a function receives an otherwise valid PID
for a transaction type or direction that it does not support, the function must not respond. For example, an IN-
only endpoint must ignore an OUT token. PID types, codings, and descriptions are listed in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3: PID Types
PIDs are divided into four coding groups: token, data, handshake, and special, with the first two transmitted
PID bits (PID<0:1>) indicating which group. This accounts for the distribution of PID codes. Address Fields
Function endpoints are addressed using two fields: the function address field and the endpoint field. A
function needs to fully decode both address and endpoint fields. Address or endpoint aliasing is not
permitted, and a mismatch on either field must cause the token to be ignored. Accesses to non-initialized