Menu Operation
Use the RED button to select the satellite you want to find.
Select the Automatic search mode from "Search Mode" field using button.
Search Mode, Set L.O. Freq, LNB Power, 22KHz, 0V/12V, Tone Burst and Scramble fields to
the appropriate value Using button at each field.
Press to start the "Automatic Channel Search" procedure. You can see the progressive
status of channel searching.
Use the button to stop Channel Search.
When the Channel Search is complete, the result will be save the data and display the
first channel of the searched ones.
Press the button to return to the previous menu.
Please note that the "Automatic Channel Search" procedure may take a few minutes.
4. Automatic Channel Search
Automatic Channel Search helps you to automatically load the channel information of all
transponders contained in a selected satellite.
Select "Channel Search" in "Installation Menu". Then the following will be displayed.
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