Connected DVR
This displays the IP address and the status of the connecting DVR.
Connection failure message
No Response : Appears when the DVR does not respond.
Access Denied : Appears when the maximum number of users is exceeded.
The number of simultaneous connections are limited to 10.
Setting the display of the OSD time information
Select <DVR Time> or <PC Time> for the OSD time information display
•DVR Time : Based on the time of the connected DVR
•PC Time : Based on the time of the PC currently running the Web Viewer.
•Audio : Sound On/Off
Changing The Live Screen Mode
•SEQUENCE : When this button is clicked, screens are switched at a
preset interval.
In SINGLE MODE, the channel numbers are sequentially switched from
1 to 8.
In QUAD MODE, the screens are changed like 1st 4 channels (1~4)
2nd 4 channels (5~8).
In NINE MODE, the screens are displayed in 8 channels (1~8).
Preset interval (10 seconds)
•PREVIOUS : When this button is clicked, the previous screen appears.
In SINGLE MODE, the channel numbers are switched in reverse order.
In QUAD MODE, the screens are changed like 1st 4 channels (1~4)
2nd 4 channels (5~8) In NINE MODE, the screens are displayed in 8
channels (1~8).
English _85