Cool Things You Can Do
Cool Things You Can Do
Never be late for your favorite programs: Working late? Stuck in traffic? Don’t worry. If
you set up a recording or a Season Pass, the program will be waiting for you in the Now
Playing List. You can even start watching from the beginning while it finishes recording.
Make your television wishes come true with a WishList™: Have a favorite actor? A
favorite hobby or interest? How about a favorite sports team? If they’re on TV, chances
are a WishList
will find them. See page 73.
Looking for good movies? Kids’ shows? Science fiction? With Search by Title, you can
browse all the upcoming programs in a particular category and find shows you didn’t
know were on (see page 38).
See a good preview, record the show: If you’re watching live TV and a promotion
comes on for an upcoming program, you may see an iPreview
icon like this
one: Press THUMBS UP while you see the icon to automatically set up a
recording for the program. You don’t have to remember when it’s on—it will be recorded!
(If you didn’t schedule a recording when you saw the icon, rewind until it’s visible again.)
Filter the Program Guide: Want to try something new for dinner tonight? It’s easy to
make the Program Guide show only a certain kind of program—for example, cooking
shows. You’ll use the Guide Options screen to choose the desired filter (in this example,
it’s “Lifestyles,” then “Cooking”) and turn on filtering. (See page 50.) Once you’ve turned
on the filter, programs that do not fit the selected category appear in gray on the guide
until you highlight them. In addition, if a given channel doesn’t have any shows that fit the
category within the next six hours, that channel doesn’t show up in the guide. You can
always turn filtering off to show all channels in the guide.
Users_Guide_DTV3.1.book Page 43 Wednesday, June 4, 2003 7:08 PM