Rev. 1.1, August, 2013
Technical Specifications
120GB, 250GB, 500GB,750GB,1TB
SATA 6Gb/s (compatible with SATA 3Gb/s and SATA 1.5Gb/s)
Samsung 3-core MEX Controller
1x nm Samsung Toggle DDR 2.0 NAND Flash Memory (400Mbps)
256MB (120GB) or 512MB(250GB&500GB) or 1GB (750&1TB) LPDDR2
Max. 520 MB/s (250GB/500GB/750GB/1TB)
Max. 410 MB/s (120GB)
Max. 98,000 IOPS (500GB/750GB/1TB)
Max. 97,000 IOPS (250GB)
Max. 94,000 IOPS (120GB)
Max. 90,000 IOPS (500GB/750GB/1TB)
Max. 66,000 IOPS (250GB)
Max. 35,000 IOPS (120GB)
Yes (Requires OS Support)
AES 256-bit Full Disk Encryption (FDE)
Average : 0.1W **** (Typical)
Idle : 0.045W (Typical, DIPM ON)
0°C to 70°C
-55°C to 95°C
5% to 95%, non-condensing
1500G , duration 0.5m sec, 3 axis
Worldwide Name (WWN), LED Indicator support
System Configuration : Intel Core i7-3770 @ 3.4GHz, 4GB DDR3 SDRAM (2GBx2) 1333Mbps; Asus motherboard with Intel 7 Series Z77
Chipset; Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1; IRST 11.2, MS performance guide pre-condition.
* 840 EVO is not validated for data center usage.
** Sequential performance measurements based on CrystalDiskMark v.3.0.1. Random performance measurements based on
Iometer 2010. Performance may vary based on SSD’s firmware version, system hardware & configuration
*** Sequential Write performance measurements reflect TurboWrite operation.
**** Power consumption measured with MobileMark 2007 in Windows 7. Values calculated using laptop computer and represent
system-level power consumption.