Spinpoint M9T Product Manual REV 1.0
The Device Configuration Set command allows a device manufacturer or a PC manufacturer to reduce the set of
optional commands, modes, or feature sets supported by a device as indicated by a Device Configuration Identify
command. The Device Configuration Set Command transfers an overlay that modifies some of the bits in words
63, 82, 83, 84, and 88 of the Identify Device command. When the bits in these words are cleared, the device shall
no longer support the indicated command, mode, or feature set. If a bit is set in the overlay transmitted by the
device that is not set in the overlay receiv
ed from a Device Configuration Identify command, then no action is
taken for that bit. Modifying the maximum LBA of the device also changes the address value returned by a Read
Native Max Address, or Read Native Max Address Ext command.
Table 8-3 Device Configuration Identify data structure
Multiword DMA modes supported
15-3 Reserved
2 1 = Reporting support for Multiword DMA mode 2 and below is allowed
1 1 = Reporting support for Multiword DMA mode 1 and below is allowed
0 1 = Reporting support for Multiword DMA mode 0 is allowed
Ultra DMA modes
6 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 6 and below is allowed
5 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 5 and below is allowed
4 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 4 and below is allowed
3 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 3 and below is allowed
2 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 2 and below is allowed
1 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 1 and below is allowed
0 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 0 is allowed
Command set/feature set supported
13 1 = Reporting support for SMART Conveyance self-test is allowed
12 1 = Reporting support for SMART Selective self-test is allowed
11 1 = Reporting support for Forced Unit Access is allowed
10 Reserved
9 1 = Reporting support for Streaming feature set is allowed
8 1 = Reporting support for 48-bit Addressing feature set is allowed
7 1 = Reporting support for Host Protected Area feature set is allowed
6 Reserved
5 1 = Reporting support for READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED com
mands is allowed
4 1 = Reporting support for Power-up in Standby feature set is allowed
3 1 = Reporting support for Security feature set is allowed
2 1 = Reporting support for SMART error log is allowed
1 1 = Reporting support for SMART self-test is allowed
0 1 = Reporting support for SMART feature set is allowed
Serial ATA command /feature set supported
15-5 Reserved
4 1 = Reporting support for software settings preservation
3 1 = Reporting support for asynchronous notification (reserved)
2 1 = Reporting support for interface power management
1 1 = Reporting support for non-zero buffer offsets in DMA Setup FIS (reserved)
0 1 = Reporting support for native command queuing
15-8 Checksum
7-0 Signature