M8 Product Manual REV
Table 8-3 Device Configuration Identify data structure
Multiword DMA modes supported
15-3 Reserved
2 1 = Reporting support for Multiword DMA mode 2 and below is allowed
1 1 = Reporting support for Multiword DMA mode 1 and below is allowed
0 1 = Reporting support for Multiword DMA mode 0 is allowed
Ultra DMA modes
6 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 6 and below is allowed
5 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 5 and below is allowed
4 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 4 and below is allowed
3 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 3 and below is allowed
2 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 2 and below is allowed
1 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 1 and below is allowed
0 1 = Reporting support for Ultra DMA mode 0 is allowed
Command set/feature set supported
13 1 = Reporting support for SMART Conveyance self-test is allowed
12 1 = Reporting support for SMART Selective self-test is allowed
11 1 = Reporting support for Forced Unit Access is allowed
10 Reserved
9 1 = Reporting support for Streaming feature set is allowed
8 1 = Reporting support for 48-bit Addressing feature set is allowed
7 1 = Reporting support for Host Protected Area feature set is allowed
6 1 = Reporting support for Automatic acoustic management is allowed
5 1
= Reporting support for READ/WRITE DMA QUEUED commands is allowed
4 1 = Reporting support for Power-up in Standby feature set is allowed
3 1 = Reporting support for Security feature set is allowed
2 1 = Reporting support for SMART error log is allowed
1 1 = Reporting support for SMART self-test is allowed
0 1 = Reporting support for SMART feature set is allowed
Serial ATA command /feature set supported
15-5 Reserved
4 1 = Reporting support for software settings preservation
3 1 = Reporting support for asynchronous notification (reserved)
2 1 = Reporting support for interface power management
1 1 = Reporting support for non-zero buffer offsets in DMA Setup FIS (reserved)
0 1 = Reporting support for native command queuing
15-8 Checksum
7-0 Signature