The DCS telephone system has the following preset (default) feature access
codes. These codes can be used if a key is not available for the feature you
want to use. Standard telephone users must always dial these codes.
0 Call attendant or system operator 55 + 1 Page internal zone 1
10 + xxx Retrieve parked calls 55 + 2 Page internal zone 2
1 1 Put calls on and take calls off hold 55 + 3 Page internal zone 3
12 +xxx Retrieve calls on hold at another station 55 + 4 Page internal zone 4
1 3 Door lock release 55 + 5 Page external zone 1
16 + xxx Make speed dial calls 55 + 6 Page external zone 2
1 7 Save number and redial it 55 + 7 Page external zone 3
1 8 Recall dial tone for new call 55 + 8 Page external zone 4
1 9 Last number redial 55 + 9 Page all external zones
2 x x Extension numbers 55 + ✽ All Page
3 x x Extension numbers 5 6 Meet Me Answer
4 0 0 Cancel Do not Disturb 5 7 Alarm sensor clear
4 0 1 Set Do Not Disturb 5 8 DISA alarm clear
4 1 Set Message No Ring 5 9 Walking class of service
42 + xxx Cancel message 6 0 0 Cancel all call forwarding
4 3 Set/return messages 601 + xxx Set Forward All Calls
4 4 Busy station/line callback 602 + xxx Set Forward Busy
4 5 Busy station camp-on 603 + xxx Set Forward No Ans
4 6 Set up a conference 604 + xxx Set Fwd Busy/No Ans
4 7 Enter account code 605 + xxx Set Fwd Follow me
4 8 Set programmed station message 6 5 Directed call pickup
4 9 Send flash to outside line 6 6 Group call pickup
5 0 0 Station hunt group 6 7 Universal Answer
t o 6 8 1 Voice Dialler
5 2 9 Station hunt group 6 8 2 Voice Dialler Record
5 3 + g r p + 0 Out of group 7 x x Individual line numbers
5 3 + g r p + 1 In group 8 x Trunk groups
5 4 + z o n e Meet Me Page 9 Trunk group 9 (Local)
55 + 0 Page all internal zones
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