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7.3 Partition of Flex-MuxOneNAND
Flex-MuxOneNAND is the combo device which has SLC and MLC partition in one-chip. Generally, write intensive data require SLC-reliability
but read and density oriented data such as music and movie satisfy with MLC-reliability. Therefore, some of the mobile phone is using both
SLC-reliability memory and MLC-reliability memory to meet both requirements of reliability oriented and density oriented data using separate
chip. but in case of Flex-MuxOneNAND, only one-chip of Flex-MuxOneNAND can meet the both requirement.
And also, Flex-MuxOneNAND has internal Error Correction Circuit and common NOR interface. User can take full advantage of advances in
NAND Flash memory capacity.
1) K is the boundary address(the end of SLC). Samsung will decide the value of K before final specification open (K=TBD).
2) For the partitionning method, samsung will support application note and guidance code.
First Block Address
Last Block Address
: SLC Array for Power Up
SLC Partition
: {0 ~ K} Blocks
0 Block
1 Block
2 Block
k Block
(K+1) Block
(n-1) Block
MLC Partition
: {(k+1) ~ (n-1)} Blocks
Data Register