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2.8.18 Command Register F220h (R/W)
Command can be issued by two following methods, and user may select one way or the other to issue appropriate command;
1. Write command into Command Register when INT is at ready state. INT will automatically turn to busy state as command is issued. Once
the desired operation is completed, INT will go back ready state.
2. Write 0000h to INT bit of Interrupt Status Register, and then write command into Command Register. Once the desired operation is com-
pleted, INT will go back to ready state.
(00F0h and 00F3h may be accepted during busy state of some operations. Refer to the rightmost column of the command register table
F220h, default = 0000h
1) 0080h programs both main and spare area, while 001Ah programs only spare area. Refer to chapter 5.9 for NOP limits in issuing these commands. When using
0080h and 001Ah command, Read-only part in spare area must be masked by FF. (Refer to chapter 2.7.2)
2) ‘2X Program’ is executed by ‘007D’. This command can be used alone and used for ending ‘2X Cache Program’.
’2X Cache Program’ is executed by ‘007F’. This command cannot be used alone and must be ended by ‘007D’ for the last page program of cache program.
(Refer to 6.13 and 6.14)
3) If any blocks are changed to locked-tight state, the all block unlock command will fail. In order to use all block unlock command again, a cold reset is needed.
4) ‘Reset MuxOneNAND’(=Hot reset) command makes the registers and NAND Flash core into default state.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
CMD Operation
during busy
0000h Load single/multiple sector data unit into buffer 00F0h, 00F3h
0013h Load single/multiple spare sector into buffer 00F0h, 00F3h
Program single/multiple sector data unit from buffer
00F0h, 00F3h
001Ah Program single/multiple spare data unit from buffer 00F0h, 00F3h
001Bh Copy back Program operation 00F0h, 00F3h
2X Program operation
00F0h, 00F3h
2X Cache Program operation
00F0h, 00F3h
0023h Unlock NAND array a block 00F0h, 00F3h
002Ah Lock NAND array a block 00F0h, 00F3h
002Ch Lock-tight NAND array a block 00F0h, 00F3h
All Block Unlock
00F0h, 00F3h
0071h Erase Verify Read 00F0h, 00F3h
000Eh Cache Read 00F0h, 00F3h
000Ch Finish Cache Read 00F0h, 00F3h
000Ah Synchronous Burst Block Read 00F0h, 00F3h
0094h Block Erase 00F0h, 00F3h
0095h Multi-Block Erase 00F0h, 00F3h
00B0h Erase Suspend 00F0h, 00F3h
0030h Erase Resume 00F0h, 00F3h
00F0h Reset NAND Flash Core -
Reset MuxOneNAND
0065h OTP Access 00F0h, 00F3h