TV Guide
162 - English
1) Highlight the Setup Service in the
2) Use the down arrow to select
Change System Settings.
3) Follow the on-screen instructions.
Answer 1
If I add a recorder or change my cable service,
how do I change my Setup information?
Show information for that entry was
not available during the last Guide
information update (download).
Show information is updated on a daily
Checkpoint 1
A show entry in the Guide reads “No Listing.”
What does that mean?
Select the lineup that most closely
matches the one for your area. If after
you choose the lineup, you want to
make changes
1) Highlight the Setup Service in the
2) Use the down arrow to select
Change Channel Display.
3) Follow the on-screen instructions.
Checkpoint 1
When I entered the Guide, I was asked to choose
from more than one channel lineup. What should I
Frequently Asked
No, Setup information is stored in TV
Guide On Screen.
Checkpoint 1
If I have a power outage, do I need to complete
Setup again?
These stars are a broadcast-industry
rating system used to inform you of a
show’s quality. The more stars, the
better the rating.
Checkpoint 1
After some show titles, I have noticed from 1 to 4
stars (****). What does that mean?
A download sends channel and show
information to a TV Guide On Screen
device. A download happens about
once a day.
Checkpoint 1
I have seen the word “download” in reference to
the Guide. What does that mean?
Yes. Highlight any of the 5 main
Services (i.e., Listings, Schedule,
Recordings, Setup, Search) and press
the Info button. An Expanded Info Box
displays additional help information;
press Info again to close the box.
Help is also available in a Panel Menu.
Press the Info button to display an
Expanded Info Box; press Info again
to close the box.
Checkpoint 1
Is Help available in the Guide? If so, how do I find it?
DVD-HR720_XAA_TV GUIDE127~167 2005.9.28 11:50 AM Page 162