MMC 501 (Page 5 of 6)
HOK FLASH MIN: Monitors the duration of a hookswitch flash to ensure that the flash is valid and
not a line noise or an accidental hookswitch bounce (SHORTEST DURATION).
HOOK OFF: Controls the time before dial tone is sent to a single line station.
HOOK ON: Sets the minimum amount of time that the system will recognise as an SLT hang up.
(Must be greater than HOK FLASH MAX.)
INQUIRY RELEASE: Monitors the duration of the action of the soft key to determine when to return
the LCD back to a normal status. This timer affects only display phones.
INTER DIGIT: Controls the grace period between dialling valid digits before dropping the call and
returning the user to error tone.
KMMC LOCK OUT: Controls the grace period between programming actions while in a program-
ming session (KMMC not PCMMC). The timer automatically returns the system to secure program-
ming status.
LCR ADVANCE: Controls the period of time before selecting the next allowable route when a station
is allowed to route advance.
LCR INTER DIGIT: Controls the grace period between dialling valid digits before dropping the call
and returning the user to error tone.
MCL DELAY: Controls the time when the system should start transmitting Authorisation Code after
sending MCL access code (Cable & Wireless 131 access).
OFF HOOK RING: Controls the duration of time between ring bursts to a user who has a camped-on
OFF HOOK SELECT: Controls the grace period before placing a internal/external call as pro-
grammed in MMC 306.
OHVA ANSWER: Controls the duration of an OHVA call before automatic rejection. When a user re-
ceives OHVA with voice interrupt, this situation will last until this timer expires. If LCD phones receive
OHVA, REJECT will appear at righthand side of bottom line while this timer is activated.
OVERLAP INT DGT: Controls the grace period between receiving address information in overlap
receiving mode via BRI/PRI line. After expiration of this timer the system operator will be alerted.
PAGE TIME OUT: Controls the duration of a page announcement.
PAGE TONE: Controls the duration of tone burst heard over the page prior to the page announce-
PARK RECALL: Controls the period of time a call is parked before recalling to the call park origina-
PC-MMC LOCK: Monitors PCMMC activity, drops the link if no action is created by PCMMC and re-
turns the system to secure program status.
PERI UCD REPORT: Controls the interval between periodic UCD reports being output to the appli-
cable port.
POWER DOWN: Sets the duration of disconnect signal for VM/AA ports.
RECALL DISCONNECT: The time an attendant recall rings before being disconnected. See ATT Re-
call Time.