
Network setup_ 27
1. Press on the control panel.
2. Press up/down arrow to highlight Network and press OK.
3. Pre
ss up/down arrow to highlight Network Configuration and press
Using this Network Configuration Report, you can find your machine MAC
address and IP address.
For example:
Address : 00:15:99:41:A2:78
IP Address :
Setting IP address
First, you have to set up an IP address for network printing and
managements. In most cases a new IP address will be automatically
assigned by a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server located
on the network.
IP setting using control panel
1. Connect your machine to the network with a network cable.
2. Tu
rned on the machine.
3. Press
on the control panel.
4. Press u
p/down arrow to highlight Network and press OK.
5. Press u
p/down arrow to highlight TCP/IP (IPv4) and press OK.
6. Press u
p/down arrow to highlight Set IP Address and press OK.
7. Press u
p/down arrow to highlight Manual and press OK.
8. Th
e first available menu item, IP Address displays.
Enter a numbe
r between 0 and 255.
9. Use the up/do
wn arrow to enter digits and use the left/right arrow to
move between digits. When you finish entering the IP address, press
10. Enter othe
r parameters, such as the Subnet Mask or Gateway, and
press OK.
11. After entering all parameters, press to return to ready mode.
Now go to "Installing wired network connected machine’s driver" on
page 28.
IPv4 configuration using SetIP (Windows)
Before using the SetIP program, disable the computer firewall from
Control Panel > Security Center > Windows Firewall.
1. Install this program from the supplied CD-ROM by double-click
Application > SetIP > Setup.exe.
2. Follow the instructions in the installation window.
3. Con
nect your machine to the network with a network cable.
4. Tu
rn on the machine.
5. Fro
m the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Samsung
Printers > SetIP > SetIP.
6. Click the icon (third from left) in the SetIP window to open the
TCP/IP configuration window.
7. Enter the machine’s new information into the configuration window
as follows. In a corporate intranet, you may need to have this
information assigned by a network manager before proceeding.
Find the machine’s MAC address from the Network
Configuration Report (see "Printing Network Configuration
report" on page 26) and enter it without the colons. For
example, 00:15:99:29:51:A8 becomes 0015992951A8.
8. Click Apply, and then click OK. The machine will automatically print
the Network Configuration Report. Confirm that all the settings are
IPv4 configuration using SetIP (Macintosh)
Before using the SetIP program, disable the computer firewall from
System Preferences > Security > Firewall.
The following instructions may vary from your model.
1. Conn
ect your machine to the network with a network cable.
2. In
sert the Installation CD-ROM, and open the disk window, select
MAC_Installer > MAC_Printer > SetIP > SetIPapplet.html.
3. Doub
le-click the file and Safari will automatically open, then select
Trust. The browser will open the SetIPapplet.html page that shows
the printer’s name and IP address information.
4. Click the icon (third from left) in the SetIP window to open the
TCP/IP configuration window.
5. Enter the machine’s new information into the configuration window.
In a corporate intranet, you may need to have this information
assigned by a network manager before proceeding.
Find the machine’s MAC address from the Network
Configuration Report (see "Printing Network Configuration
report" on page 26) and enter it without the colons. For
example, 00:15:99:29:51:A8 becomes 0015992951A8.
6. Select Apply, then OK, and OK again.
7. Qui
t Safari.
IPv4 configuation using SetIP (Linux)
Before using the SetIP program, disable the computer firewall from
System Preferences or Administrator.
The following instructions may vary from your model or operating