¦ Multi Code Remocon
Multi Code Remocon is a special transmitter which is designed to control each TVs with one remote.
This function is useful where there is more than one TV in one location like hospital Set ID number will be displayed in source
osd. It is possible to support up to 10 different remote key transmission for multi code.
Initial ID code which each TV has is “0”.
– ID code could be set and reset in Analog TV mode or PC mode. (not available in DTV channel)
– ID code could be from 0 to 9.
– Press Blue Key for over 3 seconds and the digit key a user wants to set.
– Set ID OSD will be displayed in central position.
– The following words will be displayed. “Remote control code is set to x. If you want to change Remote control code.
Enter the digit you want to change.” (x is the digit number) This OSD will be kept displaying until exit key is input.
– For example, TV and Remote will be set ID code #1 if user presses #1.
– The following words will be displayed.“Remote control code is changed to 1” Then TV can be controlled by only remote
which has same ID code with TV’s.
– If ID code does not match between remote and TV, the following words will be displayed. “ TV ID x”(x is the TV’s ID)
– To reset ID code, press Yellow key for over 3 seconds. ID code of both TV and Remote will be reset to “0”. “Remote
control code is set to 0.” will be displayed.
Remote control code is set to 0. If you want to
change Remote control code, enter the digit you
want to change.
UC6900 호주_중아, UC6000 구주 호텔.indd 28 2010-05-13 오전 9:10:04