Management tools_ 42
6.management tools
This chapter introduces management tools provided to help you make full use of your machine.
This chapter includes:
• Introducing useful management tools
• Using Samsung Easy Printer Manager (Windows only)
• Using Samsung Printer Status (Windows only)
• Using the Smart Panel program (Macintosh an
d Linux only)
• Using the Unified Linux Driver Configurator
Introducing useful management tools
The programs below help you to use your machine conveniently.
• "Using Samsung Easy Printer Manager (Windows only)" on page 42
• "Using Samsung Printer Status (Windows only)" on page 43
• "Using the Smart Panel program (Macintosh and Linux only)" on
page 43.
• "Using the Unified Linux Driver Config
urator" on page 44.
Using Samsung Easy Printer Manager (Windows
Samsung Easy Printer Manager is a Windows-based application that
combines Samsung machine settings into one location. Samsung Easy
Printer Manager combines device settings as well as printing environments,
settings/actions and launching. All of these features provide a gateway to
conveniently use your Samsung machine.
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher is the minimum requirement for
Samsung Easy Printer Manager.
Understanding Samsung Easy Printer Manager
To open the program:
Select Start > Programs or All Progra
ms > Samsung Printers >
Samsung Easy Printer Manager > Samsung Easy Printer Manager.
The Easy Printer Manager interface is comprised of various basic sections
as described in the table that follows: