1–2 About This Manual
Manual Conventions and Terminology
Extents: Extents are specified by a single number or a pair of numbers in square
brackets ([ ]) separated by a colon (:), and are inclusive. For example, bits [7:3]
specify an extent including bits 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3. Multiple bit fields are shown as
Register Figures: Register figures have bit and field position numbering starting at
the right (low-order) and increasing to the left (high-order).
Signal Names: All signal names are printed in boldface type. Signal names that
originate in an industry-standard specification, such as PCI or IDE, are printed in the
case as found in the specification (usually uppercase). Active low signals have either
a pound sign “#” appended, or a “not” overscore bar; for example, DEVSEL# and
Italic Type: Italic type emphasizes important information and indicates complete
titles of documents.
Terms: The following terms are used in this manual:
This term... Refers to...
Microsoft Windows NT installation
The Microsoft Windows NT Workstation
Installation Guide and the Windows NT Server
Installation Guide.
Windows NT The Microsoft Windows NT Workstation and the
Windows NT Server operating systems.