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Starting Your Camera
• Press the Mode button to start the camera.
• The camera will sound a beep to confirm that it is ready for use.
• The LCD display will indicate the number of photos that can be taken before it
becomes necessary to download them to your PC.
Taking Photos
1. Compose your shot using the viewfinder. (The optimal distance between the camera
and the subject is approximately 5 feet.)
2. Hold the camera steady and press the shutter button to take a photo.
3. The camera will beep when a photo is taken.
If the camera beeps twice rapidly or if "00" appears on the LCD this is an indication that the
memory is full in which event no further photos can be taken until the existing photos have
been downloaded and cleared from the camera memory.
Note: The LCD display indicates how many photos may still be taken at the current
resolution and compression. E.g. In "Lo" resolution and "Hd" compression 208 images
may be taken. However the LCD counter only displays up to 99. It will continue to display
99 until less than 99 images may still be taken.