
112 OnStar - Telematics
Online Concierge services
From shopping to travel to entertainment
and more, OnStar’s online concierge can
help you make the most of your time. Login
to www.myonstar.com and simply select a
city, choose a category and ask away. Get
instant answers in a live online chat with an
OnStar Advisor or send an E-mail if you pre-
fer. You can also view OnStar’s recommen-
dations for top picks in eight categories like
dining, travel and sports and recreation.
Additional Services
Personal Calling
If you are an OnStar Safe and Sound Plan
or Directions and Connections Plan sub-
scriber, you have access to OnStar Per-
sonal Calling. OnStar Personal Calling pro-
vides you with a nationwide wireless phone
service in your Saab that you can activate
simply by pressing a button and using your
voice. You can use Personal Calling in your
Saab to place or to receive calls. The
voice-activated system will dial the number.
Your party will answer through your stereo
With OnStar Personal Calling, you can
enjoy the simplicity of a one-touch wireless
connection. Whether you are placing or
receiving a call, once you press the button,
you never have to take your hands off the
wheel or your eyes off the road. The ease of
the hands-free communication service
allows you to enjoy an even greater level of
safety, security and convenience while driv-
This new service is not yet available in all
areas. Complete availability in the U.S. is
anticipated in 2001*. For system limitations
and details, call OnStar at
* Availability in Canada was undetermined at time of
publication. Please contact your local dealer in Canada.
Signing Up for Personal Calling
As an OnStar subscriber, the Personal Call-
ing capability is already built into your
Saab’s OnStar hardware. In order to use
this service, an OnStar advisor must set up
your cellular account. You must also pro-
vide a credit card in order to establish your
prepaid cellular account. Usage charges
will be deducted from this prepaid account
of ”units.” Units are easily replenished using
the credit card on file at OnStar. Once you
sign up for OnStar Personal Calling, you will
be given your own personal phone number
that others can use to call into your Saab.
To sign up for Personal Calling,
Press the OnStar button in your Saab.
Inform the advisor that you would like to
sign up for Personal Calling.
The advisor will set up your account.
You will need to provide account and
credit card information.