Wireless Adapter RNX-N4 User Manual
• Enable Logging to a Syslog Server: Place a check in this box to enable syslog
• Syslog Server IP Address: Specify the IP address of the syslog server.
• Click on the Save Settings button once you have modified the settings.
6.4.5 Dynamic DNS
• The Dynamic DNS feature allows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc.)
using a domain name that you have purchased with your dynamically assigned IP
address. Most broadband Internet Service Providers assign dynamic (changing) IP
addresses. When you use a Dynamic DNS service provider, your friends can enter your
host name to connect to your server, no matter what your IP address is.
• Enable Dynamic DNS: Place a check in this box to enable the DDNS feature.
• Service Address: Select a DDNS service provider from the drop-down list. DynDNS is a
free service while TZO offers a 30 day free trial.
• Host Name: Specify the website URL.
• User Name: Specify the user name for the DDNS service.
• Password: Specify the password for the DDNS service and verify it once again in the
next field.
• Timeout: Specify the time between periodic updates to the Dynamic DNS, if the
dynamic IP address has not changed. The timeout period is entered in hours.
• Click on the Save Settings button once you have modified the settings.
6.4.6 System Check
• Click on the System Check link in the navigation menu. This page allows you to ping a
host name or IP address.