
Step 4 Adjusting the video compensation
(PC, SUN, PC-Serial/Audio models only)
(No video compensation is required for the MINI model)
Video compensation adjustments should only be needed if your
CAT-5 cable length exceeds 300 feet. Make sure the Bright and
Sharp controls on the Remote Unit are fully counterclockwise. (no
compensation). Make sure that JP1, JP2, and JP3 are set properly.
Start an application, (preferably a windows application), and look at
the right edge of a large horizontal object such as a title bar. If there
is black smearing on this edge, the video is under compensated.
Rotate the Sharp control on the Remote Unit clockwise until the
smearing disappears and the edge starts to become very bright. At
this point, the video is overcompensated. Rotate the Sharp control
counterclockwise until the edge has no smearing or over brightness.
The video compensation is now adjusted correctly for the cable
length used in your system.
The Bright control adjusts the brightness of the overall picture.
Adjust the Bright control on the Remote Unit to suit your needs. The
Sharp control may have to be slightly readjusted after adjusting the
Bright control.
Note: The CrystalView video compensation system is designed to
produce very good quality video on short to medium length cables
and acceptable quality video over cable lengths greater than 500
In some installations the location of the CPU and the location of the
CrystalView Local Unit requires a greater distance than the system
is designed for. This extra cable length from the keyboard port on
the CPU to the Local Units keyboard connector can cause a power
loss. Since the Local Unit gets its power from the keyboard port of
the CPU, this loss may be enough to effect its operation. This also
may occur when using a wireless keyboard. To correct a decrease
in power, a supplemental power adapter may be required on the
Local Unit keyboard connector. (See Appendix C. Parts and cables)
If you are connecting a Laptop computer to the Local Unit, it is
highly recommended that a power adapter be used to supplement
the Local Units power. Operating the laptop exclusively on battery
power alone is not recommended.