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Rose Electronics Part # QS-UME
Printed In the United States of America
Keyboard commands
The following table describes the available keyboard commands. The [Ctrl] key
sequence is a press and release of the left control key. Commands following
[Ctrl] must be entered within 2 seconds.
Displays CPU selection list
Connects directly to the specific
CPU number “n”.
Connects to the previous CPU
Connects to the previous CPU
in a Group.
Connects to the next sequential
CPU in a group
Displays / Removes status box.
Logs user out if the KVM station
is configured for user logins.
Disconnects the current CPU
Resets / enables keyboard and
mouse; enables PS/2 mouse on
Sends a null byte to the CPU’s
PS/2 mouse port. Use this
command if the PS/2 mouse
(NT or Unix
systems only)
Resets the currently selected
NT or Unix computers PS/2
mouse. Also switches the NT
mouse driver to “wheel” mode.
Sequentially steps through all
connected CPUs in a group.
Table 1 - Keyboard Commands