Settings for the Entire Kit (KIT OTHERS)
Kit Volume, Tempo, and Protect (KIT OTHERS-KIT)
Here you can edit the kit’s volume, tempo, and protect settings.
1. Choose MENU Ú OTHERS Ú KIT (p. 16).
The KIT OTHERS-KIT screen appears.
[Knob 1] (SEL) selects
a parameter.
[Knob 3] (–/+) edits the value.
Press [Button 3] (KIT NAME) to edit the kit name (p. 35).
2. Turn [Knob 1] (SEL) to select a parameter.
3. Turn [Knob 3] (–/+) to edit the value.
Parameter Value Explanation
Kit Volume 0–100 The volume of the entire kit.
Kit Tempo OFF, 40–260
You can specify a tempo for each kit. If the system setting “Kit Tempo Func” (p. 52) is set to ENABLE, the tempo will
change to the kit tempo when you switch kits. However, the tempo will not change if the Kit Tempo is O.
Kit Protect OFF, ON
If Kit Protect is ON, that kit cannot be edited. If Kit Protect is ON, a
icon is shown beside the kit number in the
KIT screen.
Phrase Settings Recalled by the Kit (KIT OTHERS-PHRASE)
You can specify the phrase settings that the kit will recall.
1. Choose MENU Ú OTHERS Ú PHRASE (p. 16).
The KIT OTHERS-PHRASE screen appears.
[Knob 1] (SEL) selects
the parameter.
[Knob 3] (–/+) edits the value.
2. Turn [Knob 1] (SEL) to select a parameter.
3. Turn [Knob 3] (–/+) to edit the value.
Parameter Value Explanation
Phrase Play OFF, 01–50
The Phrase Loop will start playing using the phrase you assign here (internal data only) when you hold down the
foot switch assigned to the “PAD CTRL” (p. 53) and hit the [Phrase Play] pad.
You can choose whether the tempo that will be used following the Phrase Play will be the tempo at the time the
phrase was saved (PHRASE TEMPO) or the current tempo (CURRENT TEMPO).