The best way to solve this problem is to temporarily turn off the GR-20’s own
response to your guitar by activating the GR-20’s Local Control Off feature.
Here’s how:
Power off the GR-20.
While holding down the GR-20’s SYSTEM EDIT
button, turn the GR-20 back on—the display briefly
shows “Lo,” for “Local off.”
To switch local control back on, turn the GR-20 off and then back on.
The GR-0’s Transmission Modes
For maximum flexibility, the GR-20 offers two different modes for sequencing:
poly and mono mode.
Poly Mode
In poly mode, everything you play on your guitar is sent from the GR-20 to
the sequencer on the basic MIDI channel. This is the most straightforward
way to sequence.
Basic MIDI Channel
If You’re Bending Notes
Because the notes from all of your strings are being sent on a single MIDI
channel, the GR-20 automatically disables the sending of pitch bend data
when more than one note is playing. If it didn’t do this, bending one note
would cause all of the currently playing notes to bend, not something a
guitarist always wants to hear happening. If you’re bending notes, therefore,
it’s best to use Mono mode.
Mono Mode
In Mono mode, each of your guitar’s strings sends its data on its own MIDI
channel. This allows you to do a couple of interesting things. In Mono mode,
you can:
control six different sounds at once—with each sound being played by
one string on your guitar.
sequence realistic guitar parts that involve string bending—since each
string’s bending data is transmitted on its own MIDI channel.
In Mono mode, the basic MIDI channel carries the data for the high E string.
The B string uses the next MIDI channel, the G the channel above that, and
so on.
Basic MIDI Channel
Basic MIDI Channel +5
Basic MIDI Channel +4
Basic MIDI Channel +3
Basic MIDI Channel +2
Basic MIDI Channel +1
This is why you can select only MIDI Channels 1-11 as the basic channel:
To make sure you always have a full set of five MIDI channels—counting
upwards from the basic channel—you need for Mono mode.
To select a transmission mode:
Power off the GR-20.
While holding down the GR-20’s EXIT button, turn the
GR-20 back on.
Turn the Number/Value dial to select the desired mode:
Mono mode
Poly mode•
Press EXIT to store your new setting.
Setting Up Your Sequencer
Here’s a list of things to set up before sequencing—see your sequencer’s
documentation for specific instructions on performing these tasks.