ControlLogix SERCOS interface Module 9
1756-IN572G-EN-P - May 2005
The module has detected
a setup or configuration
fault with the ring.
Check your system setup and configuration as
• Ensure drive and axes addresses are correct.
• Remove excess axes from ring.
• Make sure application program has selected
the proper Ring Cycle Period and Baud Rate.
Solid Red The module has detected
a hardware or installation
fault with the ring.
Check your system hardware and installation as
• Make sure all cables are properly installed.
• Make sure cable is of the correct type and
• Make sure application program has configured
the module’s ring transmit level to High when
using specified cables.
• Make sure the drive’s transmit levels are set
• Inspect cables for degradation.
• Inspect drives for any faults and correct them.
Off The module has detected
no ring data on its
receiver or has not
successfully completed
phase 2.
Check your system and installation as follows:
• Make sure all cables are properly installed
• Inspect cable for degradation and breakage.
• Inspect drives for faults.
The ring, drive, or axes
are not configured but at
least one has been
Not a problem if the system has not been
configured. If you are having trouble configuring
the ring, drive, and axes, make sure that the
RSLogix 5000 project is setup properly for the
equipment in use.
Table 2 SERCOS Ring Status Indicator (Continued)
State Description Recommended Action