Beautiful Home Heating Solutions
Regency Fireplace Products was founded
almost 30 years ago with a mission to
produce the nest replace products
available anywhere. Regency has home
heating solutions for any room in any
Regency Quality
The Regency name means quality in
every way. The product is created and
built in a world class manufacturing fa-
cility focused on getting every detail just
right. Represented across North America
by a carefully selected professional retail
network; you can rely on knowledgeable
dealers and installers who understand
how to make our products run safely and
to the optimum performance.
Exceptional Fire
The essence of each and every Regency
replace is the unique ame. With its
dancing ames and glowing embers, re-
alis ti c lo gs o r un iq ue S un rise bur ne rs y our
Regency re is spectacular.
Custom Styling
By researching current trends and styles
we have created tasteful options and
accessories that allow you to tailor the
look of our replace to your home. Sleek
and simple or grand and glamorous…
your choice.
Cut Home Heating Bills in Half!
Turn down your furnace and zone heat
with high eciency heat just in the
rooms you spend time in. This will cut
your heating bills. The entire Regency
Gas Fireplace Insert line produces con-
sistent, controllable heat even during
power outages.
One Regency = One Tree
At R eg enc y, we are co mmit te d to prote c t-
ing our environment. For every Regency
sold, we will plant a tree. Working with
American Forests, the trees planted across
North America will oset carbon emis-
sions and take one more step to restore
nature's balance.
Lifetime Warranty
I am so condent in the quality work-
manship, the nest materials and dura-
ble heavy-duty construction invested
in each and every product, that I oer a
Limited Lifetime Warranty. The Regency
warranty is the best in the industry. We
are absolutely sure that you will be as
proud of your Regency Gas Fireplace
Insert as we are – I guarantee it.
Robert Little
Founder & CEO
why choose Regency?