Heart rate program 1 is designed to keep your heart
rate between 60% and 85% of your estimated maxi-
mum heart rate while you exercise. Note: Your maxi-
heart rate is estimated by subtracting your age
from 220. For example, if you are 30 years old, your
estimated maximum heart rate is 190 (220 – 30 =
Heart rate program 2 will keep your heart rate near a
target heart rate that you select.
Follow the steps below to use a heart rate program.
Begin pedaling to activate the console.
See step 1 on page 12.
Select one of the heart rate programs.
To select a heart
rate program,
press the Program
Select button
repeatedly until
“Hr1” or “Hr2”
appears in the
lower display.
During heart rate
programs, the
matrix will show a
graphic that repre-
sents your heart
rate. Each time a
heartbeat is detect-
ed, an additional peak will appear.
Enter your age.
After a heart rate
program is select-
ed, the word
“AGE” and the cur
rent age setting
will flash in the
lower display. You
must enter your age to use a heart rate program.
If you have already entered your age, press the
Enter (Program Start) button and go to step 4. If
you have not entered your age, press the
Age/Rate Set (Resistance) buttons repeatedly to
enter your age, and then press the Enter button.
Once you
have entered your age, it will be saved
in memory.
Enter a target heart rate.
If you selected heart rate program 1, you do
not need to enter a target heart rate. Go to
step 5.
If you selected
heart rate pro-
gram 2, the letters
“PLS” and a target
heart rate will flash
in the lower dis-
play. Press the +
or – button repeatedly to change the target heart
rate, if desired. Then. press the Enter button.
Note: See the heart rate chart on page 23 for
heart rate guidelines.
Hold the handgrip pulse sensor.
It is not necessary to hold the handgrips continu-
ously during the program; however, you should
hold the handgrips frequently for the program to
operate properly. Each time you hold the hand-
grips, keep your hands on the metal contacts
for at least 30 seconds. Note: When you are
not holding the handgrips, the letters “PLS” will
appear in the lower display instead of your heart
Begin pedaling to start the program.
Each heart rate program consists of 20 one-
minute segments. One target heart rate is pro-
grammed for each segment. Note:
The same tar
get heart rate may be programmed for two or
more consecutive segments. If heart rate pro-
gram 2 is selected, the same target heart rate is
programmed for all segments.
At the end of each segment, a series of tones will
sound. As you pedal, the console will regularly
compare your heart rate to the target heart rate. If
your heart rate is too far below or above the target
heart rate, the resistance of the pedals will auto
matically increase or decrease to bring your heart
rate closer to the target heart rate.