• If you will not be using battery power or if you will only use an
adapter for several months, remove the batteries.
• Dispose of old batteries promptly and properly.
Using Standard AC Power
To power the receiver from standard AC power, you need an op-
tional AC adapter, such as Cat. No. 273-1662.
Note: Connecting an AC adapter disconnects internal batteries.
• The AC adapter must be capable of delivering 4.5 volts, its
center tip must be set to negative, it must deliver at least 200
milliamps, and its barrel plug must properly fit the receiver’s
IN 4.5V
jack. The recommended adapter meets these specifica-
tions. Using an adapter that does not meet these specifications
could damage the receiver or the adapter.
• When you finish using the AC adapter, unplug it from the AC
outlet first, then disconnect it from the receiver.
Follow these steps to use AC power.
20-227.fm Page 5 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 10:13 AM