• As licensee, you are responsible for
proper operation of all transceivers
operating under your license author-
• You can let unlicensed persons
operate this transmitter, as long as
you take precautions to prevent
unauthorized transmissions.
• You must use this transceiver only
for the commercial use of your busi-
ness, and only when other commer-
cial channels (such as the
telephone) are either not available
or not practical.
• You must always yield the operating
frequency to communications that
involve the safety of life or property.
• You must take reasonable precau-
tions to prevent harmful interference
to other services operating on the
same frequency.
• You must not transmit program
material of any kind used in connec-
tion with commercial broadcasting.
• You must not provide a service
that is normally handled by tele-
phone or telegraph unless such
broadcasts involve the safety of
life or property or in emergencies
such as an earthquake, hurricane,
flood or a similar disaster where
normal communication channels
are disrupted.
• During each transmission or
exchange of transmissions, you
must identify your station with the
call sign issued to you by the
FCC, or once each 15 minutes
during periods of continuous
• You must keep a written record of
any maintenance or modification
made to the transceiver, and you
must make this record available
for inspection upon demand by
the FCC.
Violating any of the provisions of Part
90 can result in fines and/or confisca-
tion of equipment.
19-1206.fm Page 6 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 10:50 AM