
1. Introduction
The SSP-200/300 is a single channel RS-422/RS-485 asynchronous serial adapter for
systems equipped with PCMCIA Type II and/or Type III expansion sockets. The
SSP-200/300 is a PCMCIA Type II (5 mm) card and is PCMCIA PC Card Standard
Specification 2.1 compliant.
The SSP-200/300's serial port is implemented using a 16C750 Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART), which is the recommended communications interface
for multitasking environments and with applications involving high data transfer rates.
PCMCIA Card Cable Assembly
Standard D-9 Female
Figure 1. SSP-200/300 Card and Cable Assembly
The SSP-200/300provides four differential signal pairs (two input and two output):
TxD, RxD, AUXOUT, and AUXIN. TxD and RxD are always present at the connector.
The AUXOUT and AUXIN signals can be used to support RTS/CTS handshaking,
external clocking, or external signal loopback. The default configuration is RTS/CTS
handshaking, with RTS transmitted through AUXOUT and CTS received through
AUXIN. The role of AUXOUT and AUXIN can be set when the SSP-200/300 is
The SSP-200/300 may be configured to operate in either the Full Duplex or Half Duplex
mode; the SSP-200/300 may be configured so that the output drivers are always
enabled, RTS or DTR enable the output drivers, or the output drivers are automatically
enabled only when data is being transmitted. See the Hardware Information section
for details on these topics.
Introduction 1-1