
2.2.2 Common Problems
Memory Range Exclusion:
The Enabler requires a region of high DOS memory when configuring a SSP-100. This
region is 1000H bytes (4KB) long and by default begins at address D0000H (the default
address may be changed using the "W" option). If a memory manager such as
EMM386, QEMM, or 386Max is installed on the system, this region of DOS memory
must be excluded from the memory manager's control. Consult the documentation
provided with the memory manager software for instructions on how to exclude this
memory region.
Furthermore, some systems use the high memory area for BIOS shadowing to improve
overall system performance. In order for the Enabler to operate, any BIOS shadowing
must be disabled in the address range specified for the configuration window. BIOS
shadowing can usually be disabled through the system's CMOS setup utility.
Socket Numbers:
The Enabler requires the SSP-100's socket number to be specified on the command line
and the SSP-100 must be inserted into the socket before the Enabler is invoked. Some
vendors number their sockets from 1 to N while other vendors number their sockets
from 0 to N-1. For the SSP-100 Enabler, the lowest socket number in the system is
designated socket 0.
Card and Socket Services Software:
In order to use the SSP-100 Enabler for DOS, the system MUST NOT be configured with
Card and Socket Services software. If a Card and Socket Services software is installed,
the SSP-100 Enabler may interfere with its operation and with the device(s) it controls.
For systems configured with Card and Socket Services, the SSP-100 Client Driver is the
recommended method of configuration.
SSP-100 User’s Manual 2-13