Page 50
September 7, 2007
7100FP EPA Woodburning Fireplace
For maximum operating effi ciency with the lowest
emissions, follow these operating procedures:
1. Regardless of desired heat output, when loading the
fi replace, burn your fi replace with the Slide Air Control
wide open (fully to the right) for a minimum of 5 to 15
2. Regulate burn rate (heat output) by using the Slide Air
Control. See Figure 49.1 on page 49.
3. Heat output settings: Follow the burn rate instructions
listed below.
*These are approximate settings, and will vary with type of
wood or chimney draft.
L. Burning Guidelines
*Slide Air Control
Slide LEFT to Stop
Stop to 1/8 in. -1/2 in. open
Stop to 1/2 in. - 1-1/2 in. open
All the way to RIGHT
BTU / Hr
Below 10,000
10,000 - 15,000
15,000 - 30,000
Maximum Heat
Burn Rate
Medium High
NOTE: To establish your settings, always begin with the
air control all the way to the left to STOP and then move
it to the right for your desired setting.
M. Burn Rates
HIGH - Maximum Heat: Fully open (slide air control
all the way to the right). It is important to do this when
reloading the fi replace. Failure to do this could result in
excessive emissions (smoke).
MEDIUM HIGH BURN RATE - 15,000 to 30,000 BTU:
After a wood load has been burning on high for 5 to 15
minutes, close the Slide Air Control to 1/2 in. - 1-1/2 in.
(13 mm-38 mm) distance open. (Move the handle to left
to stop and then to right for the proper setting).
MEDIUM - 10,000 - 15,000 BTU: After a wood load has
been burning on high for 5 to 15 minutes (longer for very
large pieces or wet wood), slide Slide Air Control left to
1/8 in. -1/2 in. (3 mm-13 mm) distance open. (Move
the handle to left to stop and then to right for the proper
LOW - Below 10,000 BTU: After a wood load has been
burning on high for 5 to 15 minutes (longer for very large
pieces or wet wood), gradually slide the Air Control left
to close down the air, making sure to maintain fl ames in
the fi replace. It is very important to maintain fl ames in
your fi replace during the fi rst few hours of a low burn to
avoid excessive air pollution.
N. Opacity
his is the measure of how cleanly your fi replace is burn-
ing. Opacity is measured in percent; 100% opacity is when
an object is totally obscured by the smoke column from a
chimney, and 0% opacity means that no smoke column can
be seen. As you become familiar with your fi replace, you
should periodically check the opacity. This will allow you
to know how to burn your fi replace as nearly smoke-free
as possible (goal of 0% opacity).
Fire Risk.
Do NOT store wood:
• Closer than required clearances to com-
bustibles to appliance
• Within space required for loading or ash
Do NOT operate appliance:
• With appliance door open.
• With ash removal system door open.
• Do NOT burn wet or green wood.
• Store wood in dry location.
• Stack wood so both ends are exposed to air.
Wet, unseasoned wood can cause accumulation
of creosote.
Fire Risk.
Fire Risk.
Keep combustible materials, gasoline and
other fl ammable vapors and liquids clear of
• Do NOT store fl ammable materials in the appliance’s
• Do NOT use gasoline, lantern fuel, kerosene, charcoal
lighter fl uid or similar liquids to start or “freshen up” a fi re
in this heater.
• Keep all such liquids well away from the heater while it is
in use.
• Combustible materials may ignite.
NOTE: If reloading a bright, hot coal bed for longer (low)
burn time, setting the ACC may not be required.