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Using the Basic Features of Your
SoundPoint IP 32x/33x Phone
Your SoundPoint IP 32x/33x phone is designed to be used like a regular phone
on a public switched telephone network (PSTN). You can place calls, transfer
a call to someone else, or conduct a conference call.
At any time, only one active call may be in progress on your phone. The active
call is the one that has audio associated with it. There may be up to three other
calls on hold or in an “Incoming call” or “Ringing” state on a particular line.
Use and to switch between these calls. With two lines, there can
be maximum of eight calls or four conferences on your phone.
This chapter provides basic operating instructions for the SoundPoint IP
32x/33x phone. This chapter contains instructions on:
Placing a Call
Answering a Call
Ending a Call
Placing a Call on Hold
Setting Up Conferences
Transferring Calls
Forwarding Calls
Enabling Do Not Disturb
Assigning Speed Dial Indexes
Using Voice Mail