
Chapter 5: Settings
Outgoing Port
210 WORKABOUT PRO Hand-Held Computer With Windows Mobile 6 Classic & Professional User Manual
5.31.4 Outgoing Port
Outgoing Port acts as a serial port that can be used to connect to a list of Bluetooth
devices (one at a time). This tab allows you to assign and enable an outgoing port
and choose the device with which you want to communicate from the list. You can
also tailor the behaviour of your hand-held so that you are prompted to choose the
device with which you want to communicate.
5.31.5 Active Connections List
This tab displays the currently active Bluetooth connections, listing the device
name(s). The type of link is also included with the device name(s). Keep in mind
that the information listed in this tab is ‘view only’; it cannot be edited.