Figure 7: 1000, 1500 & 2700 lb. Cylinder
Figure 8: 2000 lb. Capacity Cylinder
Table 2: Cylinder Components
Figure 3: Cylinder Parts for 1000 & 3000 Lifts Figure 4: Cylinder Parts for 2,000 lb. Lifts
Item Description Item Description
1 Cylinder Ram - H108-XXX 1 Cylinder Ram - H108-2000-XXX
2 Inner Cylinder - H106-XXX 2 Inner Cylinder - H106-XXX
3 Outer Cylinder - H101-XXX 3 Base Cylinder - H107-2000
4 Bearing Chevron Support - H108A 4 Bearing Chevron Support - H108A-2000
5 Chevron Set - H109 5 Chevron Set - H109-2000
6 Chevron Spring - H111 6 Chevron Spring - H111-2000
7 Ram Guide - H112 7 Ram Guide - H112-2000
8 Washer Ram Guide - H113-2000 8 Washer Ram Guide - H113-2000
9 Nut Ram Guide - H114 9 Nut Ram Guide – N0130
10 “O” Ring Cyl. Base - H107A 10 “O” Ring Upper Cap - H104-2000
11 “O” Ring Ram Seal - H104-1000 11 Cylinder Cap - H105-2000
12 Cap Cylinder - H105-1000 12 “O” Ring Lower Cap - H105A-2000
13 Base Cylinder - H107-1000-1 13 Fitting – H102-2000
14 Seal Kit: Items 4-12 – H100K 14 Set Screw, Vent Plug - M411
15 “O” Ring Ram Seal - H107-2000A
16 Seal kit: Items 4-12 plus 15
Note: The “XXX” in a part number means that a raising height is required to substitute for the Xs. If the raising height is only two
digits, a 0 is used to replace the first X to complete a part number.